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From TMQ Horse Game Database
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Welcome to TMQ Horse Game Database!

Here's why we need a wiki. Because this is just confusing.

This is a project started in 2020 by members of the Discord community for The Mane Quest. A wiki thrives by having various contributors expanding its content! If you're a horse gamer like us, you are invited to contribute!

If you'd like to chat about it with us, you can join us in #horse-game-database on the Mane Quest Discord!

Monthly Spotlight for 04/2024
Help us expand our record of Category:Circus‎ games! Expand on one of the 8‎ pages already in the database, or add one we're missing!

Why does TMQ Horse Game Database exist?

Horse fans are considered a niche market at best, and so most horse games that come out are made with very little care. They are frequently released under several different titles, with or without arbitrary numbering, but are otherwise the exact same product unchanged and recycled. Furthermore, the naming conventions lead to many horse games having extremely similar names.

Suffice to say, all this makes it very difficult to find proper information on horse games. The Horse Game Database is an attempt to remedy this problem, and create a cohesive archive of as many horse games as possible.

Because horse game fans deserve better!


You can search for a game or you can browse by categories if you're looking for something similar or don't remember what a game is called. If you're looking for a game from a specific platform, we have a Platforms section.

All Games is a listing of every game currently in the database.

If you are having trouble getting an old game to run, take a look at our Tech Help section!

We also have a Game Mods section for games that allow modding.

Do you want to contribute by adding a page to the wiki? Great! Please refer to How-To-Horse-Game on how to get started! Games with incomplete pages are listed in section Stub. If you prefer to translate, there is also a page How to translate!